Thursday, October 21, 2004

Now that I'm here, I'm not sure what to say. I know there's a lot. OK, some update. I haven't quit my job but I'm working at it (quitting, that is). I want to work at home for awhile so I've been researching and signed up for a work at home deal. We'll see what happens.

A note about the infrequent posting the last while. At the beginning of September I moved in with my sister, her husband, and son (17mons) into a house that my parents bought. They're planning on moving up here in a couple of years or so when my mom retires. So, I've no longer had the opportunity to stay late at work and blog. Gotta get home for supper. If I knew how, I'd insert a really, really big smiley right here. My sister enjoys cooking. I enjoy eating. It's a great combination! It is so wonderful to come home after working til 6:00 and not having to either throw something in the microwave so I can eat soon, or make something, which often ends up means eating around 10:00. Anyhow, I haven't been able to get to the internet. We got high speed a little while ago, so I should be able to make it here a little more regularily.

I've also started attending church with my sister and hubby. The church is going through Rick Warren's Forty Days of Purpose. My parents went through it and highly recommended it so, when opportunity knocks.... Part of the Forty Days of Purpose is meant to be experienced in a small group environment so I joined one. It's kindof cool. Almost everybody in the group has also gone to Bethany. One person was one of my best friends during my first year. Another was in the same dorm unit as me, also first year. One I grew up with and graduated high school with and even rode bus with for awhile. Point being, I know almost everybody already and am connected before I start. It's cool.

OK, here it is. Here's what's on my heart. Here is what the title of this blog is all about. Timnath Serah, as I'm sure you will know from the top of the page, is what Joshua named the inheritance he was promised by God, and eventually received in the Promised Land. Right now what I see as my Timnath Serah (which, by the way, means "inheritance of abundance") is a wife and kids.

I believe in the ultimate wisdom and goodness of God. I believe He wants what is best for me and that He has the power and desire to make it happen. When it comes to the second most important decision one will ever make, who to marry, I have not the slightest doubt that God will guide! I believe I have received a promise from God to do just that. This is an area where God has told me, "Lauren, don't worry about it. I've got it taken care of." He has lead me. It's not for lack of trying and certainly not for lack of interest that at 25, I've not yet had a girlfriend. I thank God, though, that I don't have baggage from even one bad relationship to bring into marriage. He has definitely and obviously lead me away in the past. (I will say this though, I have good taste. I don't look back about any girl I've been interested in and think, "How on earth could I have been interested in her! They're all quality people. Just not right for me.)

There's something else that brings some urgency to this matter. Of my grandparents, my mom's dad died before I was born, her dad died when I was 5, my dad's dad died when I was 7 and my dad's mom when I was 11 or 12. The most vivid memories I have of any of my grandparents are of when my mom and dad would drop me off for my dad's parents to babysit me at the senior home where they lived, and me and Grandpa (if I was lucky) trying to keep my Grandma from "walking home" or wherever it was she wanted to go. I don't know how many times my Grandma walked out of that senior home and the somebody found her walking down the street and brought her back or the staff went and got her. At any rate, one of the deepest desires of my heart is that my children will get to know their grandparents (and really know them!) and my parents will get to know my kids.

In April of this year my dad turned 71. In 1993 he landed up in the hospital for quite awhile because of a racing heart. His first time in the hospital, his pulse was I believe close to 200 for 16 straight hours. He still has to be very careful not to over exert himself or his heart will be irregular. In 1996 after returning from a trip visiting my mom's brother in Bolivia, Dad was diagnosed with adult onset diabetes. While keeping it mostly under control, this has gradually worsened over the years. Now, my dad is having problems keeping his balance while walking. He get's Mom to write down what decisions made in the morning so he'll still remember them in the afternoon. The other day when Mom woke up around 2 or 3 pm following a night shift, she found Dad sitting absolutely confused. The breakfast dishes were still on the table and he didn't know if he had just gotten up and eaten breakfast or where mom was or what time it was. The doctors, so far have no idea what's going on. He has a major (full day) appointment on the 27th.

I'm sorry to say that it has taken me up to the last couple of years to realize what wonderful parents I have. I want my kids to get the same chance. Shoot, I'd like them even to be able to work with Dad like I did, but I definitely want them to see how much he loves Mom. Almost every time I talk to my dad, he tells me how wonderful Mom is. He drives her absolutely crazy sometimes, but boy does he love her.

There are years of story behind some of what I just said, but for the here and now, now you know.

Oh, and one more thing. If you would, please pray!


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