I'm so low, I'm high. Actually, I'm pretty sure it's the paint fumes. Paint fumes? Caffeine? actually thinking? I dunno why, but it all ends up in not sleeping. Prrrrfect.
here morrow gone farther than you could ever imagine something. do you ever wonder? wunderbar? michaelangelo... do you think he ever fell asleep on the job? sleep and paint come together again. time to listen
and sing. sing or cry. It's entirely profound, you know. The way everything comes together so far. Perhaps broken. Perhaps mysterious. Perhaps, perhaps is just happening to fill the metric. Becomming... Isn't that what it's all about? The moral dilemma. Do I learn something I've avoided learning in order to get something I've always wanted? Would I be a better person for it? I don't know how to answer that question. I would grow. I would also lose something. Perhaps only my ideals. I commented once to someone (hi steve) that idealism is an obstacle, not a solution. Ideals tend to be so out of touch with reality, that pursuing an ideal tends to be counterproductive, to say the least. Think of Canada and our ideals regarding freedom of speech. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, right? Well yeah, just so long as your opinion doesn't include someone else's being wrong. You're free to say anything, so long as you don't really care if it's true. You're free to practice any religion, so long as it is compatible with (or at least accepting of) all other religions.
BAD NEWS FOR YOU FOLKS!! I'M RIGHT, YOU'RE WRONG!! Come on now, say it with me, "....." OK, I'll say it. "You're wrong, I'm right, you're sorry!
melodious, don't you think? create a river and the streams will follow it anywhere.
excerpt from my personal proverbs: "Nothing weighs so heavily as a promise made lightly."
margarine. Freedom of expression?? OK, Canadians are just a little messed up. Better than greased up, I s'pose.
Smile and nod, and while you're at it, send away for that collector's edition, deluxe model, one of a kind (free with every purchase), 'been there, done that' T-shirt.
A holey cow being lead away?
Shot through the heart, and you're to blame. Baby. You. Give love a bad name.
I had the most profound revelation come to me in math class today. Did you know that three separate, non-collinear points define both a plane, and a circle? Weird, huh!
What is it about insanity that brings forth the most beautiful and elegant portions of the human soul? Lucy Maude, every great inventor who ever lived (except Edison, of course). Poe was crazy, wasn't he? Beethoven had a terrible temper. He just didn't have the mettle for it. (Did you catch that? temper... metal...) I shake my head at you.
Cry baby, won't you? Fly baby, don't you? You try walking, you're tired of talking, but heaven won't come down no more.
It comes down to this. ex
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