Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Here and there and everywhere, and where you come from, I don't care.

Now and again when memory serves I recall something. Yes, something. Sometimes something of importance, but quite often it's something of no great value. It's a shame really.

Plattitudes? Plain attitudes? Plane attitudes? Air rage?

Around, and around, and around. Why and when. That's it! That's all! Just why and when!

The light begins to shine, you see. It shines it shines and then it stops. No, perhaps that's just me reaching the end. I learn but I don't do anything with the knowledge. I change, but don't act any differently. I see the bar but don't duck.

(Two men walked into a bar... third one ducked)

When will I ever see enough to do, and think enough to know, and whine enough to cheese?

Ok, stop... let it slip past a little, now a little more... OK! Now let it go.

How and again. Wow and again.

I feel like a kid playing with a typewriter. *ding*

Micro, melodic, mnemonic, say again why we can't bring in to being the elements of whetever the heck someone decided it was we weren't bringing into being? Who has to know? Who knew in the first place? Jeepers, I was there the whole time and I still haven't figured it out. The options are there, available; ready for the taking or leaving. That's what makes them options. However, here we go again running down the wrong isle picking up pasta sauce instead of salsa. It's as if every last item in the vegetable isle has been planted. Don't be fooled my friends, planting vegetables can be a very serious crime.
If and when, now and then. I don't see what the big deal is to me. I just don't understand. Gold, Frankenstein and Brrrr.....

How together now, see a song, right it's down. Notice the next item on today's agenda is time. Solidly now, take that pen with your left hand, because that's not how you think it's done, and spell, very, very, Yes, Oh so clearly what you did with your morning. Bet you can't. Why not, the cat got your pen? Oh yeah, you say. It's a computer. You're not supposed to be able to write on the screen. Oh well, don't stop now.

Maybe I'm done being mad now.

What an opportunity I have now. It's so much fun quoting wisdom, and it just so happens I said it first. So, laugh, smile, enjoy the moment.... So often I wonder what to do, where I'm going, how on the face of this vast, rapidly growing less blue planet I'm supposed to get there. I focus on the arrival, on the promise, on this great inheritance the God of my father, and his father before him, and of Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob, has promised to me. Oh boy, if I had the controls on that there pillar of cloud/fire, there'd be one mad stampeding rush into the waiting spears of the inhabitants of the promised land. (Did I ever tell you I'm glad I'm not God?) I focus on the inheritance, and then focus on not focusing on it cuz it's making my eyes blurry, and then have to focus on not focusing on not focusing on it cuz the other didn't work either. During one penned ramble in high school I wrote this, "Follow the Guide, not the destination." God didn't make a beeline for the promised land with the nation of Israel in tow. He made them learn to follow Him day by day and step by step. They knew exactly where they were going. He just had to show them how to get there. I could go on. The point being, again I must remind myself to follow step by step, moment by moment, breath by breath. (There's a thought... God, every breath I breathe, I want to breath in your direction! (I promise I'll brush!))

I made the mistake a while back of asking God for patience. You know what He told me? "Just wait."

Sunday, August 15, 2004

I went to the Fair tonight. Rides. Why, why, WHY do I do this to myself!? Even now when I move my head, it feels like the world is spinning. Silly boy. That's all I have to say. Silly, silly boy.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Well folks, as of the 8th, it's official... 25 and never been kissed. I was aiming for 21. I guess I overshot a little. :) Oh well, all in God's time.

Ta la eelay montoy yanakay lo sachtee. Mosonayo ka may hannee na kyato sonay.

Bring back the something I once called my own, and I'll have it again.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Here and there and everywhere and back from there again.

A remarkable thing has been happening the past week or two. In fact, when I start thinking about it, it seems several remarkable things have been happening. First off, God keeps answering prayer. You know, those ordinary, everyday, seemingly insignificant little prayers that can come out during the course of a day? Well, it seems somebody's listening in on what I'm saying. Just for example, the last couple of weeks has brought about numerous days with rain. I tend to have to be outside for work a great deal of the time, and let me assure you, rain does not make my work pleasant. As a result, I have prayed a number of times that the rain would stop while I was working. To date, for all intents and purposes, it has. On day in particular I had a 2 1/2 hour drive to my first service call and had such severe weather on the way down I literally had to stop at the side of the road for awhile. But, as I approached my first call, the rain cleared up and let off until I was done. Then, when I started driving again, so did the rain. Three calls I had that day of around an hour each, with a dark, stormy sky, and lots of rain, and I went home dry. It's happened before and after too. Tis cool I think.

That was one item of remark. Another is a shift I've begun noticing in my attitudes towards people and situations. Patience is showing it's head again. Concern for others is growing on me a bit. I don't know really specifically, but numerous little things and ways that I'm changing. All this I've noticed happening shortly after I voluntarily gave up an item of sin in my life for no other reason than that it was the right thing to do. Thankyou God!

Monkeys and uncles. Gorillas and grandfathers? Nautical nonsense.

Nycinal:- a mysterious and yet common substance that seems to generate spontaneously in humans, most commonly teenage males. Nycinal seems usually to appear just as, or just before the afflicted individual expresses romantic interest in a member of the opposite sex. This mysterious condition is almost unfailingly diagnosed by that member of the opposite sex in whom interest has been expressed with a ritualistic ceremony that usually begins with, "You're Nycinal, but..." To date, no cure or antidote has been discovered.