Friday, November 04, 2005

An idea from Estelle's blog. You google your first name + needs (ie. "Lauren needs") and write down the best lines. Here they are: (I have made gender appropriate adjustments where required)

Lauren needs to have more female friends (or not – women can be so bitchy!)
Lauren needs to wake up and smell the coffee (this morning it was Vanilla Cream ...
Lauren needs all the nerve transmission help he can get, so we vow to improve that part of his diet.
Lauren needs to meet our new crush, the Maserati Boomerang.
Lauren needs the money.
Lauren needs us to. Until Lauren’s GI problems are solved and healed ...
Lauren needs other kids --- other kids who are struggling with their own differences, with being a square peg squeezed imperfectly into the round hole of ...
His mother thinks Lauren needs to become more responsible. His doctor thinks Lauren needs to take a mood stabilizing medication.
Lauren needs a career path
Lauren needs to attack the room in chunks.
Lauren needs to post about something completely unpredictable, like the history of his gimpy left hand.
Lauren needs a natural hazard
Help support the "Lauren needs DSL like Anna Nicole needs a spanking" fund.
Lauren needs to be a better spy
Lauren needs two stores here like he needs a hole in the head
Lauren needs to park.
Lauren needs 4 ½ cups of flour for a bread recipe
Lauren needs to know. It's more than just kiss and tell.
Lauren needs a dog.
Lauren needs to get to the point where Lauren trusts Lauren.
Lauren needs to do a wee every couple of hours and this needs to be collected (day and night).
Lauren needs a patient and loving owner, preferably a woman since he responds better to women than men.
Lauren needs to make a harem web page.

Oh dear.....


At 3:32 am, Blogger N said...

This is by far the best "Needs" list I've seen to date. Awesome!


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