On deeper level communication with women...
“Logic is the enemy.”--David DeAngelo
Way To Go!
"...there's only one thing that all women have in common: they're all different."
-- Dr. Alex Benzer
It Had to be Done
I just walked home from the video store. It’s -16 C and I really enjoyed the chocolate chip cookie dough ice-cream cone I ate on the way.
Some Thing S
Deep somewhere one is the other and the back and before come around to make for Texas in a vintage limousine. Here and away, the waves rocking nearby and sand whistles clear the morning of sleep tendrils. Braxton oak. Volcanic hope. Sought for by lost and found by despair. Monolithic merriment concave of disbelieving sound and fury. You can’t live in a hurry. The most frustrating moments hearken unto thee the greatest tidings for great joy just so happens to be one of his specialties. Did you know it’s impossible to wait impatiently? God’s honest truth. As far as he is concerned, until you’re waiting patiently, you’re not waiting at all. In God’s world (and that’s a pretty big one, I’m told), waiting is an active word.
Today. Here. Now. The limit as time approaches me from the left, and the right. It’s a monstrous awakening. I look behind and before but always am here. I live here. Hallelujah, I live here. I’m amazed at how much God hangs out with a messed up guy like me. A slingshot.
When I was a child and thought like a child and acted like a child, I had a slingshot. I shot an orange once, a songbird once, and sparrows not nearly often enough. Practice makes perfect? Develop the skill so as to aim with perfection or hope the shot counts when the time is right? It seems so very clear looking at it that way, but the only target that remain undamaged is the one missed.
Priorities and Miracles
Blog? Study? Blog? Study?... Lauren, what are you thinking! Get your priorities straight! BLOG!A strange think has been happening the last week or two. The fingerprints of God have returned. In my world, the fingerprints of God are just little “coincidences.” Most of the time it’s something like looking at the time when it’s exactly 1:23 or 3:45 or a somehow otherwise numerically significant time. These fingerprints are a method God has used a number of times in my life to communicate, “Hey, this is me. I’m in this. I’ve got it all under control.” When it started, I wasn’t quite sure why. Then after about two days, I suddenly realized, “Something’s about to happen!” Sure enough, something did happen.Something else. This summer I bought my parents’ ’87 Mercury Grande Marquis to replace the ’83 Grande Marquis I had bought from them five years earlier which had achieved a significant state of decay. When I bought the ’87 the transmission was slow in shifting from drive to overdrive, but when I got the ’83, it was doing the same thing and we solved the problem by changing tranny fluid. Doing the same to the ’87, I hoped for the best. About 6 weeks ago, the transmission problem became significantly worse and… noisy. Transmission noises, as I’m sure you know, are always a good sign. Ok, maybe not. To top it off, two or three weeks ago, my car simply refused to start. I drove it into the garage at night, and the next morning, the battery was completely dead. I put a fresh battery in, and the next morning, it too was completely dead. When I checked things out, my alternator too was humming a merry tune, and refusing to charge in an appropriate manner. Right now I get around the problem by disconnecting my battery every time I shut my car off for any length of time. Oh great. I’m living on a -$200/month budget and I’m supposed to replace my alternator and do a tranny overhaul? Right. I’m better off selling the car. But… now that there are nasty mechanical issues, I won’t get hardly anything for it.So I pray, “God, please provide.” The next day, I drive my car into a tree, totaling it off. Insurance values my car at $150 more than I paid for it this summer. And since I decided to finally put the Package policy on it a couple of months ago with a $200 deductible, SGI will be paying me $50 less than what I paid my dad for the car this summer. I figure that works out to about twice what I would have gotten if I had tried selling it now.That’s not all. Totaling my Grande Marquis means the return of a dream. I now have money to winterize Serah, my ’71 VW Bug, and start driving her again. I have many stories about Serah, so I’m not going to get into them… much. Other than, she’s a miracle car. And when I named her “Serah” I thought I was making the name up, only to find out later when a biblically knowledgeable dude was trying to read my personalized plates in Hebrew, that serah is actually a Hebrew word meaning “abundance,” is the name of one of Jacob’s granddaughters, and as I hope you have gathered, the name Joshua gave to his inheritance in the promised land (timnath meaning “inheritance”). Makes ya think, doesn’t it.
That was Disappointing
My sordid attempt at fame and glory (or at least a few misdirected hits on my blog) has resulted in… absolutely nothing. I have but two words to say in response. Oh well.Here’s a story I found in the 2005 Warman Centennial Directory. It’s worth repeating.The only cow in a small town in southern Alberta stopped giving milk. The people did some research and found they could buy a cow up in Rosthern, Saskatchewan for $500.00. They bought the cow from Saskatchewan and the cow was wonderful. It produced lots of milk all the time, and the people were pleased and very happy. They decided to acquire a bull to mate with the cow and produce more cows like it. They then would never have to worry about their milk supply again. They bought a bull and put it in the pasture with their beloved cow. However, whenever the bull came close to the cow, the cow would move away. No matter what approached the bull tried, the cow would move away from the bull and he could not succeed in his quest. The people were very upset and decided to ask the Vet, who was very wise, on what to do. They told the Vet what was happening. “Whenever the bull approaches our cow, she moves away. If he approaches from the back, she moves forward. When he approaches her from the front, she backs off. An approach from the side and she walks away to the other side.” The Vet thinks about this for a minute and asked, “Did you buy this cow in Saskatchewan?” The people were dumbfounded, since they had never mentioned where they bought the cow. “You are truly a wise Vet,” they said. “How did you know we got the cow in Saskatchewan?” The Vet replied with a distant look in his eye,“My wife is from Saskatchewan.”
Ok, so there really isn’t any ADULT CONTENT!!! here. It’s just that I’m vain and wanted the spike in my stats, so I decided to do a little experiment and see what happens if I post ADULT CONTENT!!! on my blog. I’ll let you know how it goes. On the other hand… you’ve already made it past three warnings and one of my jokes. If you’re still here perhaps you can handle it. Here’s a little video clip. It’s nothing nasty. It’s just my way of telling the guys in this world, “Don’t skydive naked!” If that’s already too much information for you, then you really shouldn’t click this link.
Well Whad'ya Know
This is MY life!?? Thanks Derek.
Erotic Thriller |
 You've made your own rules in life - and sometimes that catches up with you. Winding a web of deceit comes naturally, and no one really knows the true you.
Your best movie matches: Swimming Pool, Unfaithful, The Crush |
I've seen one of those movies.... hmmm... Maybe I have a self-analysis movie night coming up. Or....
My Car has Turned Hippy.
It's become a tree hugger.
One Hillarious Video Clip
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