Al Qaeda Claims Responsibility for Liberal Party in Canada

UNDISCLOSED LOCATION (SBP) - As if the scandal-plagued campaign was not enough for the federal Liberals, word has come out that Osama Bin Laden and his Al Qaeda operatives have claimed responsibility for the Canadian political party. The message was broadcast as part of Bin Laden's audio address that was released to the world this past thursday.
"Yes, infidels, we are responsible for the Liberal Party of Canada," said Bin Laden near the end of his translated message where he threatened further attacks on the United States, "Did you not see the signs?
"Fools, all of you."
In the audio address, Bin Laden pointed to the parallels between the terrorist organization and the Liberal Party.
"Al Qaeda has questionable resources of income; the Liberal Party of Canada shuffles money around like a satanic American playing three card monty. Al Qaeda hates christians; the Liberal Party of Canada passes laws to spite christianity. Al Qaeda has a sympathetic television network, Al Jazeera; the Liberal Party of Canada has it's own television network, namely the CBC.
"Really, infidels, was it that hard to figure out?"
The revelation was part of Al Qaeda's publicity campaign to show that they weren't just about terrorism through explosives and weaponry.
"Al Qaeda has been typecast as a bunch of cowardly fundamentalists who know only violence; they also say we only work in cells of 3. This is all incorrect." said Bin Laden, "The fact we can direct a political mob with no trace of good morals shows we can inflict far more damage on an entire country rather than just a small area of innocent civilians.
"You have phrase in Canada: we are no one trick pony. How you like me now?"
News of the claim by Al Qaeda sent shockwaves through the Canadian election campaign and the Liberal Party was quick to react and deny the accusation.
"We are not a product of the Al Qaeda operatives," said Liberal Leader and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, "Yes, we may look like it what with all the corruption, societal manipulation and backroom dealings but, I assure you, we are NOT associated with the Al Qaeda operatives."
Continued Martin: "As my first order of business as Prime Minister, after removing the 'Not Withstanding' clause from the constitution, I will personally see to it that there are no terrorists in my party.
"I assure you, lowly infidels, you have nothing more to fear with a Liberal Party in power."
Martin expects his refuting of the claim will win voters in Toronto when the election commences on January 23, 2006.
via Saskabush
And the Winner Is....
ME!! It’s all about word association.
jovial => happy
Easy enough right. The next one’s more fun.
jovian => “Of, relating to, or resembling the planet Jupiter. (” Such as one of it’s many
moons.moon => ass => donkey
Really. Jokes are more fun when you don’t have to explain them.
A Change in the Wind
It’s happening. The last strong ties to my home town of
Herbert are being severed. My parents put their
house up for sale. In a few months, they’ll be moving in with me (it’s their house, so I suppose I’ll let them). It’s been 5 years or so since I last lived with my parents. This will be interesting.
another fun fact
Toronto Population = human: 2.5 million
= rat: 15 million
-- thanks CBC!
Fun Fact
Right now I’m using ice cream to cool my CPU. It’s working like a charm.
The most recent investment I’ve made in my health was a bottle of whiskey. It does wonderful things to a sore throat.
like a knife in the gut
Posted on
berto.caWell I am back in Santa Cruz. The visit out to Ipati was defiantly interesting. I will try to post pictures for you when I get home. There are so many things about these people whom my parents are working with; that I just couldn’t believe. For one thing their indentured slavery only ended in 1994. As I understand it this is what let to their long standing captivity. When the Spaniards conquered much of Latin America many of it original inhabitants became slaves to the conquistadors. As the land was divided up many of the land owners (lords) used the slaves within their lands to work in their fields. As revolution led to independence the new ruling class were the wealthy (many of the old lords were extremely making them part of the ruling class). Though the slaves were supposed to be freed after the independence many were kept as indentured slaves. They were kept in captivity because the patrones (land owners) claimed that they were owed money for rent and food and other thing which they provided for their “workers”. Though the slaves received a wage for their work it was never enough to cover their debt to the patron. They were kept in captivity till 1994 when an NGO (non governmental organization) paid their debt and set them free. Just mind blowing that a group of people could remain in this condition for so long. I know that this is something that still goes on today but as is our human nature when you are put face to face with the reality of our world, it somehow becomes more real. Its crazy the consequences that we bring upon each other by or very actions.